IT Strategic Review for Schools

We collaborate with Schools and Educational Institutions to help them reach their DfE Technology and IT standards. Our service identifies where you are, where you are going, and what IT Strategy is needed to achieve your education and learning objectives.

A Strategic IT Review allows you to identify any potential areas of risks within your schools current IT infrastructure and make whatever changes are necessary to improve security.

What would be the repercussions if any of your data got lost, stolen or became unavailable?

. A Strategic Review can be the first step in ensuring that your organisation is ready for whatever comes its way. The information gathered from this process provides a great starting point for making informed decisions about how best to improve existing IT systems.

We’ll provide comprehensive insight into areas of strength and weaknesses, potential risks and vulnerabilities associated with your EdTech and IT.

Establishing both current and long-term educational goals will influence all decisions and investments that you make in technology.

claireLOGIC will work with you to create a Technology Roadmap containing recommendations, goals, budget assessments, security risks and potential areas of progress. By accessing our Technology Roadmap, you are provided with the necessary intel and important budget estimations to make decisions.

Strategic road-mapping

Our roadmap will help you take the right course of action in your organisation.
With the end goal of achieving your DfE technology and IT standards.

IT Infrastructure

We assess all your hardware, software and network resources to deliver IT services within your organisation as well as externally.


We take a closer look at your IT security – evaluate the current systems you have in place and identify any potential risks.

Data & Safeguarding Policies

We review your IT policies to make sure that any obsolete or missing regulations are recognised and resolved.

The 8 dimensions of an IT Strategic Review

A Strategic IT Review will guarantee you are getting the most out of your IT expenditure.

Risk management

Recommendations on how to best manage risks on data security – both internally and externally, offering more protection and compliance.


Access your current security protocols, we’ll evaluate them to see if your organisation is adequately protected from potential cyber threats.

Disaster planning

Review your existing IT systems. Provide solutions to ensure that your business runs as usual in the event of a cyber attack or natural disaster.


Review existing hardware infrastructure – offer recommendations on how to best future-proof, to maximise your business capabilities.

Impartial assessment

Utilise transparent recommendations that help to leverage the power of IT – to enable the organisation to achieve its goals.


Consider best practices for your business and how to implement improved solutions to minimise disruption.

Plan for the future

Suggestions are categorised by severity and the resources to focus on first, helping you make a confident plan for the future.

Gap analysis

Identify components that are missing or need to be improved in your existing IT Strategy to save your organisation time and money.


Your next steps

At claireLOGIC we strive to help you and your organisation advance on the IT path. We will take a look at where you are now, figure out what direction you need to go in and pinpoint the strategy that will best accomplish your goals.

We understand IT is a crucial component for your school; it is needed in order for the organisation to operate. Developing a strategic plan provides direction, along with a tangible path towards meeting desired educational and operational objectives.

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