Success Story: IT support for charities – How claireLOGIC helped The Abingdon Bridge

How claireLOGIC worked with youth charity The Abingdon Bridge and improved its IT systems

Being able to rely on your IT is crucial for any organisation, and charities are no exception. IT support for charities is essential for them to operate effectively.

The Abingdon Bridge (TAB), an Oxfordshire-based wellbeing charity supporting young people aged 13 to 25 years, is a good example.

Three years ago, claireLOGIC realised this wonderful charity was on its doorstep in Abingdon, and we had to help.  As a result, TAB now has better IT support in place for the charity.

They were kind enough to share their experience with us in a new case study, relaying not just the peace of mind they have gained from our pro bono service, but how the partnership has expanded.  With our aid, they have also been able to improve its ageing IT, secure sensitive data, and prepare for future growth.

A Lifeline for IT Support

TAB relies heavily on IT for everything from maintaining records about young people, researching services, filling out and submitting applications, to keeping a team of three full-time staff and 20 counsellors connected via email.

I don’t know what I would have done if claireLOGIC hadn’t been there – I wouldn’t have had anywhere to go for help. Having IT support pro bono has been amazing” says Kirsty Darter, Office Manager at TAB.

Supporting Team and Volunteers

The core TAB team and its extended team of counsellors can rely on claireLOGIC help when accessing or using the charity’s systems.

The claireLOGIC IT service desk is always on call if anything goes wrong, ensuring swift resolution of issues – whether that is a counsellor struggling to log in, or a problem with a printer.

Kirsty Darter, the charity’s Office Manager, finds their IT support desk invaluable, especially for setting up new starters.

Securing Sensitive Data

Data security is also a major concern. Due to the nature of its work, the charity holds a significant amount of sensitive information about its clients. claireLOGIC has helped TAB manage this data more securely.

“We’re very conscious that our information is confidential, and are careful that our clients sign a consent form before we store their information in our database,” Kirsty comments.

Preparing for Future Growth

TAB has grown a lot in recent years, and is about to expand further into a second premises, so claireLOGIC is helping plan for its future IT needs.

Kirsty adds: “From my point of view, it’s like a comfort blanket. Having claireLOGIC on my side means peace of mind.”

With our support, TAB is now better supported day to day, has overcome a few immediate IT challenges and is now better prepared for its future.

Read the full case study and see the difference professional IT support for charities can make.

The Abingdon Bureau - IT support for Charities Case Study