Which should you use? Microsoft Teams or Zoom?

Recently the usage of both Microsoft Teams and Zoom has boomed! With millions of new installations of both Microsoft Teams and Zoom, we thought it would be useful to compare the everyday features. These are features that we believe most businesses would want to use:

As the above table clearly shows, the differences between Zoom and Teams are really in the detail. Let’s take a deeper dive into some of the features…

Maximum Meeting Attendees

Zoom boasts an extra 50 users per meeting than Team’s 250 limit. However, the real benefit comes to light when you consider how many videos can be seen on the screen at any given time. Zoom allows up to 49 videos to be shown on screen, whereas Teams allows only 4, then switching and scrolling is required.


Both platforms offer security for around user and meeting access. Historically Zoom has had security and privacy concerns in the media. Zoom have been actively addressing these concerns and updating the application to resolve problems. The biggest issue was meeting hosts not actually setting passwords on their meetings, therefore allowing people to jump into a meeting without invitation, rather than any problem with the application itself.

Email Integration

Both platforms integrate with your email system, but because it’s already included in the subscription price. Teams is the more popular choice for Office 365 users.

File sharing

Files can be shared with ease across Zoom and Teams. However, Zoom’s capabilities stop there, with Teams boasting the ability to collaboratively edit files and documents in real-time, providing the user with Office 365.

Application Integration

Both platforms have been rapidly integrating with other software applications. Both Zoom and Microsoft have a lot of integrations to tap into. Microsoft Teams stands out because of its profound integrations with the Microsoft 365 environment. Zoom also comes with a host of add-ons available to browse through too.

The most common way to combine Zoom with other tools is to use Zoom technology as a bolt-on to your other apps. For instance, you can bring Zoom into Slack, so that all of your video meetings go through Zoom.

Microsoft Teams and Zoom: Which is right for your business?

Both Zoom and Microsoft Teams are feature-rich collaboration and video communication tools. If you don’t need more than 250 simultaneous attendees and you aren’t using Linux, then either solution could be right for you and is perhaps a personal preference rather than functionality.

There is a free trial available for both Teams and Zoom. If you already use Microsoft 365 then perhaps you are more inclined to use Microsoft Teams as it is included in all the popular subscription plans including Microsoft Business.

If you want to know more about using video to communicate and manage your remote working team or wish to learn more about our experiences between the two applications then please contact our team or book a video call.