The Importance of Leadership within Policies and Governance

The Importance of Leadership within Policies and Governance cannot be overlooked A company’s leadership team is responsible for creating company policy. Leaders are also responsible for its delivery and its compliance across an organisation.

This is important as policy compliance is not just about dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s, but ensuring your business is as productive and efficient as possible. It is the beneficial role that governance plays in supporting the execution of strategy.

How can leaders ensure their policies and governance are followed?

The Policy

Successful governance is essentially about working smarter, not harder. It’s about using a common approach that lines-up with with your business strategy and contributes to achieving your business goals. Your policies should make your employees’ lives easier, not harder.

  • How does your current policy address the changing goals?
  • How does your current policy address the risks and the organisation’s current challenges?


Policies should never be launched if not all employees are aware of them. It’s important to share your new a policy in a language that everyone understands. This helps employees to understand what is required of them and why it’s required, as well as the benefit it will bring, not just to the business but to the individual too. Conversely, this will reduce resistance during the launch phase.

  • Do your employees understand the policies that are in place or is it all jargon to them?


Equally, leaders must remain consistent when launching new policies. A consistent leader can set clear goals for all employees within the business. Leaders should make sure everyone takes responsibility for their actions. They should also set clear and fair guides for all employees to comply with.

  • Has your policy got a clear governance structure in place?
  • Does it have a well-defined lines of responsibility and accountability?

This subject is important for all businesses. It can also be quite difficult to manage. If you want to find out more and discover the solution to great governance watch the video below.