The importance of SME cyber security awareness training

Why employee cyber security awareness training and password management education is so critical

Employee cyber security awareness training has never been as important as it is today for SME businesses.

Staff in growing businesses have many roles or multiple responsibilities. These days, many of these roles are digitally based. They either use password protected specific applications (CPOMS, iSAMS), SMAS (SIMS, Firefly, Integris) or the Microsoft suite of products. They use them to perform their work, liaise across departments, or collaborate with colleagues.

These may come with impressive security features. However, SME employers often forget that these systems are only as secure as the way they are accessed. Staff are always busy going about their day to day work. They may not be doing things quite as you might assume…

Good password hygiene has become a business critical issue for SMEs. Without it, you may be leaving your business open to some nasty surprises without even realising.

Lack of cyber security awareness training leads to poor password management

One of the most prevalent reasons that SMEs are exposed to cyber security risks is the behaviour of their employees. These risks often arise around their handling and use of passwords.

Do we blame them? Of course not. There are many reasons for poor password management by staff including:

  • Time constraints: When staff multitask and rush to complete tasks they may cut corners. They may not be as careful when it comes to password management practices and confidentiality.
  • Poor password practices: These include using the same password across multiple systems, weak passwords, shared login details and/or storing passwords insecurely.
  • Low cyber risk awareness: It is quite common for non-technical employees to have a very low awareness of cyber risks, or assume that they are completely protected.  This is among the many reasons why claireLOGIC recommends cyber security awareness training for SMEs. This includes password management training.
  • Lack of follow-up and support: Business leaders may not follow up to ensure staff are adhering to best practices after training or even day to day. They themselves may suffer from similar issues of lack of time, skills, or knowledge about security practices.

The objective is to change and shape behaviours to reduce risks to SME IT security. It’s not only about cyber security awareness training itself, but also monitoring how well staff adopt the learnings from that training by giving them the right IT support in the longer term.

How to help staff do better to avoid cyber security risks

SME cyber security awareness training

The average employee does care about their company. They also often understand the importance of good password management, in theory. However, even if provided with cyber security awareness training, they don’t always have the time, knowledge or tools to ensure best practice is implemented and maintained consistently after the training is completed.

The best way to address such problems is to equip employees with tools that can take some of the burden of password security away from them. These include:

  • Password management tools: Implementing a password manager can help staff generate, store, and retrieve strong passwords easily. This tool can significantly reduce the burden of remembering multiple passwords and enhances security.
  • Single Sign-On (SSO) Solutions: Using SSO solutions can simplify the login process. It allows access to multiple systems with a single set of credentials. This reduces the number of passwords staff need to manage.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Enforcing MFA adds an extra layer of security, making it harder for unauthorised users to gain access, even if passwords are compromised. Learn more about why MFA matters to SMEs here.
  • User-friendly systems: Ensuring that the digital systems used are user-friendly and have integrated security features can reduce the time and effort needed to manage passwords securely.

Complementary cyber security steps reinforce protection

There are many other things that SME leaders can do with the aid of experienced IT help. claireLOGIC bakes cyber security into all its services. It frequently helps clients with the following.

  • Regular cyber security audits and support: Business leaders should regularly audit password practices and provide ongoing support to ensure compliance with cyber security protocols. Appointing a dedicated IT security officer or team to assist and support can be really beneficial. Or the whole IT support function can be outsourced, including cyber security awareness training.
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Implementing RBAC ensures that staff have access only to the systems and information necessary for their roles. This can reduce the need for password sharing and enhance overall security, as well as not breaching confidentiality of any data.
  • Continuous cyber security training and awareness programmes: Regularly scheduled training sessions can help reinforce the importance of good password practices. Also, providing real-life examples and consequences of poor password management can make training more impactful.

For advice or guidance on cyber security awareness training for SME staff, get in touch. We can help you with this and improving the overall cyber security of your systems. We’re here to help you protect your data and learn how to secure your IT environment.

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